Tuesday 23 October 2012

Eternal Sunshine

Lack of entries in this blog again due to being busy. I did actually start many blog entries, but I've not finished them and by the time I get back to it, I feel like it's too old and I've progressed to something else.

One thing to announce is I've moved in. Horray! I've moved in for about a month now and i love it. It's not the largest of houses, but it's mine, mine, mine, mine! :D There are endless amounts of tasks to do on the place, which suits me fine. Painting is mostly done, still a few furniture to get. Just last weekend I built my tv stand, and I'm very proud of it, even though I didn't have the screw driver to fix a particular connection. So I'm quite settled in now, and will try to get someone in to rent the spare room. Although I like being on my own and having the whole place to myself, it's better to have the extra income.

I have Fibre Optic broadband! Hello 69mb! Full 1080p HD movies are downloaded in half an hour now. Love it! Therefore I've been testing out my new LED HDTV, just yesterday I watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which is what the bulk of this entry will be about. Now I've not watched that film for quite some time, and I couldn't really relate to the protagonists the first time round. Rewatching it now it struck more of a chord.

I won't explain the whole movie, but it's about erasing your memory. Specifically memories of an ex. Imagine having the option to be able to erase parts of your memory. It's an interesting concept and allows to provide a poignant film. It was artistically shot, had a fantastic script and very well acted by Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet and the rest of the supporting cast. The main journey of the film was going through Joel's (Jim carrey) process in erasing all his memories of his ex Clementine (Kate Winslet).

He lives the memories one last time before they get erased, and we get to experience and learn how their relationship ended to how it started. We understand why they didn't work out, but we got glimpses of how it worked and why they loved each other. As he lives through each memory again, he realises it was the wrong decision in erasing his memories of her, because he still likes some of them, he wants to cherish the positive moments. So he tries to fight the process of his memories being erased.

The way they showed the memories of couple's arguing, experiencing their good and bad moments was very realistic and relate-able now.  Joel is a boring, nice, sensible type, Kate was the fun, impulsive, out going type. In a sense they are polar opposites yet seemingly fit very well with each other. So as I watched the film, all the good and bad moments in my past relationships came back. What made it more strange to me was how Clementine's character was similar to my last ex. They both have self esteem issues, maybe signs of a bipolar or a personality disorder. Either case it can be a difficult relationship to work with, which is what happened with both in their story and in mine.

****Spoilers**** for the next few paragraphs you have been warned

After both their memories have been erased they managed to meet each other again, and they rekindled their relationship again, knowing that it failed in the past. That's where the film ends. Whether it fails again or not we do not know. It's left to our interpretation. I like to think that they learnt from their mistakes and have a better relationship this time round, but something tells me they revisit all the bad stuff again and will continue the cycle of erasing their memories of each other and finding each other again. So in a sense they will be with each other forever but in a constant cycle. They do get to experience the best parts of the relationship which is discovering each other for the first time every time.

****Ends Spoilers****

It was a positive film for me though, because there is hope at the end. The message of cherishing your most positive memories of each other. Keeping your memories whether good or bad is what determines how you are today. Realise where you did right or gone wrong, is character building.

In terms of me in finding a new relationship. I am ready to move on, I just need to get myself out there. I went out for the first time in ages on Friday and met a girl, but even though she has a boyfriend, I teased and flirted, and got a bit of feedback. Obviously I didn't pursue, but it was nice to experience and get the attention I needed to know I still have value. The problem is getting myself out there, I'm in no rush.