Thursday 15 July 2010

A Brave New World

Ok gonna start my blog.

Use to blog a while back using I think lycos webpage servicing? The time when we had to get free webspace, showing ads and the like. There was a distinct lack of tools and design, and you had to know a little bit of HTML coding, for it to work and look pleasing. Thankfully websites have come along way and provide a much better service for what we require. In this case I will be blogging my mind, link to pages, and upload photos; the usual norm for the average person on the internet.

Gonna try to stay anonymous for now, as I feel like I want to speak what’s really on my mind, as I can be quite a closed person. I have facebook and twitter accounts where I share with my friends, but there are some things you just can’t say on them. This I hope will give me the time to rant, bitch, cry and share my life in whatever I feel like without feeling judged. I love the internet.

However I may change, as I do believe it's best to be transparent, so I'll probably revert to showing my true self at some point.

That’ll do for my intro for now, I will post more and make changes to the design later.

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