Tuesday 20 July 2010

Office Goss

Lots of things to talk and write about over the weekend, as well as updates on some news. I will talk about one thing at a time.

I had leaving drinks after work on Friday at a nearby bar where I worked. One of our colleagues is going back to Australia after 3 years of work here. I haven’t really spoken to him, but having gone to a leaving do the prior week; this one was a much bigger turn out. It was the 2nd time really I have been out with my colleagues. I’m not the type to really socialise at work, but out of work I would let myself go a bit. :)

I learnt a lot of interesting things that night, certain group dynamics, political work ethics and information about colleagues. I’m never the one to engage in conversation and attempt to obviously develop relationships but if someone does, I’d always make conversation and never dismiss anyone. I mean there are obvious people you get along with better than others. I have a natural flexibility to get along with anyone, as what people love to talk about is themselves. You make a joke here and there, ask questions, take interest in what they say and people like you.

When I first started this role, my manager’s main concern was my relationship of a colleague I’d be working along side. This colleague is a woman in her late 40s, and has been working there for over 10 years. My first impressions of her, was that she was nice, professional, talkative and helpful colleague. I never knew exactly what the danger was in working with her. It’s only later I find out why people can see her as difficult to work with. She has tendencies to make big problems out of small things, some of it is no big deal, but she’d make it out as though if certain issues are not sorted it’ll be the end of the world. This is a strength and weakness, as it’s great she cares for her work, but you have to be considerate to other people that they may have more important issues at hand. Anyway we get along fine and for some reason a lot of people are impressed I get along with her. Many were surprised that she went to the leaving do and in the end stayed longer than me. Lol.

Ok the main surprise of the evening, was that I found out one of my colleagues was gay. Although not really that surprising, just the fact that he was married before and then divorced to a woman. The funny thing as well, is that I was talking to him with his newest assistant, who joined us only 2 days ago, so he didn’t know either. He swiftly left us two together, I managed to salvage the situation thankfully. It’s strange how he tried to live a ‘normal’ life but have to live a lie in the process. If I quote Dr House, ‘everybody lies’, I actually believe it’s true. We all lie at some point in our lives and at times we lie to keep up with appearances, keep others happy. I will admit I have done so too, you can call it pride, cowardly, we all do it at some point, because ignorant can be bliss. At times it can just be easier to lie than to deal with the truth. To live out perfect lives is near impossible. So that was a hurdle my colleague went through, I don’t know if he has kids, but I get along with him just fine and we were both able to joke about it after wards.

Also found out one of the managers is truly hated around the office. I mean everyone that works with him hates him. Just the way he acts and manages people. However I get told he bullies his workers, he swears and shouts when he’s alone with his employees, and hardly does any of his work he is suppose to be doing. He’s very small in stature, so I don’t know if it’s some sort of power trip or short man complex. I mean I’m short myself, but he is tiny. I really don’t know why these people act in this sort of way. I think he does play the political office game pretty well to be able to keep whatever he is doing. However, from what I heard, the boss is becoming unhappy, so maybe there will be changes ahead. I hope so for my colleague’s sake, she even asked me if I would like her position. (She works directly underneath this hated man). As she said she is considering finding something else, although I’m off next month it too much to wait, even though the position would be ideal for me in terms of career progression. Thankfully I do not have to work for him, but the times I have conversed with him, he seems ok. Just goes to show how 2 face people can be.

God I’m so tired right now and I’m at work writing this between tasks! Till my next post.

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